Case Study: Shopify eCommerce Brand

Optimizing Conversion Rates, Increasing Average Purchase Value, and maximizing conversion volume on a Shopify Store


One of our Clothing Brand is an online fashion boutique specializing in trendy and eco sustainable swimwear. With a Shopify store established, the company sought to enhance its overall volume of qualified users, conversion rates, average purchase value, and overall customer experience.

Shopify Case Study


Low Conversion Rates:

Despite ongoing Branding efforts, the online store’s conversion rates remained stagnant.

Limited Average Purchase Value:

Achieved low to average order value. Low client retention and returning client rate.

Checkout Abandonment:

A significant portion of users abandoned their carts during the checkout process, indicating potential friction points.


Volume of sales was not increasing, It was constant or moving down.

Strategies Implemented:

Streamlined User Experience (UX):

Conducted a comprehensive audit of the website's UX, optimizing navigation, product categorization, and search functionality to enhance user satisfaction and ease of finding products.

Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs):

Implemented prominent CTAs throughout the site, guiding visitors towards adding items to their cart and initiating the checkout process.

Personalized Product Recommendations:

Leveraged Shopify's built-in recommendation engine to suggest complementary items based on users' browsing and purchase history, encouraging larger purchases.

Incentivized Purchases:

Introduced tiered discounts and free shipping thresholds to incentivize customers to add more items to their cart to qualify for additional savings.

Optimized Checkout Process:

Simplified the checkout process by minimizing the number of form fields, enabling guest checkout, and providing multiple secure payment options.

Quality Traffic and Increase Volume:

After fixing the aforementioned issues, we opened the tap traffic wise. We revised their advertising strategies, refined audience targeting through the whole funnel and increased the number of touches in the upper funnel while tightening the net at the bottom of it.


Increased Conversion Rates:
+ 0 % ↑

Following the implementation of UX improvements and clearer CTAs, Brand experienced a 24% increase in conversion rates within the first quarter.

Higher Average Purchase Value:
+ 0 % ↑

By offering personalized product recommendations and incentives for larger purchases, the average order value surged by 21%.

Reduced Cart Abandonment:
- 0 % ↓

Streamlining the checkout process and offering guest checkout options resulted in a 17% decrease in cart abandonment rates.

Increased Sales Volume:
+ 0 % ↑

After refining the clients advertising strategy, overall volume increased by over 22% within the first quarter. That was by far the lowest hanging fruit of the issues we had to solve.

Conclusion: By strategically optimizing the user experience, refining the checkout process, and implementing personalized marketing tactics, Brand successfully boosted conversion rates, increased average purchase value, and improved overall customer satisfaction on their Shopify store. These improvements not only enhanced the company’s bottom line but also strengthened its position in their competitive landscape.

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